Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

      I hope all of you have a wonderful Thanksgiving.  Though it is often a day thought of as a ‘football watching, eat till you burst’ kind of day, I prefer to observe it how it was most likely intended; a day to be with family and friends.  During this day I like to surround myself with those who I love.  It helps to remind me why I prep, and who I prep for.  I’m more of a “glass half full” kind of person, and try not to get lost in the doom and gloom of survivalism.

     We all prepare for different reasons.  By reminding yourself during the holiday season why you prep, and by reassessing your prepping needs and wants, you can help refocus your efforts.  Focus is one of the most powerful states of mind a human can attain.  While focusing on a goal, you are unstoppable, and by continually reminding yourself of your focus, you can truly achieve great things.

     I personally take this time to remind myself why I do this in the first place; to allow myself, and those I love continue to be confident in the fact that no matter what happens, we will do our best to survive with the knowledge and supplies we have acquired.  I especially take solace during the holidays that my knowledge can be used to help other, less informed (unprepared) New Yorker’s through whatever disaster may occur to us in our big beautiful city.

     Make an effort to remember what Thanksgiving is all about this year; love and appreciation.  Appreciate the good in your life, and love those around you.


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